
Thoughts on geology, the mining industry, and more.

The QP System — Who’s Being Served?

If investors believe they are protected by the Qualified Person system, they should read on. The current system mostly serves management, puts undue burden of responsibility on the QP, and may deceive investors who believe that the QP is truly independent of the issuer.

Measured or Indicated?

It is pretty common to read 43-101 format technical reports on Mineral resources for new deposits that include significant Measured mineral resources. In my opinion, this classification of resources is often not merited.

In the Vein…

For those vein miners who might read this, let’s discuss a bit about drilling angles.  If any of us are asked if we want to drill across structure or down structure, most of us will always choose the former.  For those...

What’s the drill hole spacing for your project?

What is your sample or drill hole spacing?  We are supposed to know in order to disclose exploration information and to estimate mineral resources, according to 43-101 and JORC guidelines.  JORC code states: “Geological evidence and knowledge required for the...

Blast from the past: How to take a sample!

How do your samples stack up against the ones taken by your Great Grandfather? Rickard, 1903:  “No ground that can be mined in the ordinary way, that is, by drilling holes and charging them with an explosive, is too tough for a moil struck by a double-hand hammer,...

Cameron Resource Consulting, LLC

27357 S Highway 97
Harrison, ID 83833

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