Solutions for Geologists in the Mining Industry

A lot has changed for mine geologists in the last several decades.
Technology has replaced people but has made our work more interesting. Statistics has substituted for common sense, but we’re not going back to crow-quill pens and planimeters. Training is up to you, and companies come and go. This site is here to provide some perspective, insight and maybe a useful tool or two for professionals at metal projects and mines.
Thoughts on geology, the mining industry, and more.
Trust the Science – Geo Logic
Like it or not, we got a taste of the power wielded by overuse of the word “science” in this decade. Heretofore, some of us innocently thought that science was an abstraction, but we subsequently found out that it can be used as a club. While we can...
All on One Page of Engineering and Mining Journal…
As I was skipping rapidly over the mining news and the now-standard genuflections to the “net-zero” energy transition in various sections of the magazine written by people who should know better, I paused on this page (below) for the irony. I wonder if I keep reading...
The Orotron II, or How My Invention Nearly Ended My Career
With all this talk recently about artifiicial intelligence, we need to be careful with its application. A fairly long time ago I was Chief Geologist for a mining company that had recently purchased an operating gold mine on a southern continent, the geological staff...
Interested In Consulting Services?
It’s Here!
A new way to efficiently manage underground sampling results, ore movements, photos and reports from your desktop or a tablet in the office, underground or on the road. STOPECALC™ is a web-based subscription service that works on any platform. It’s easy to set up and provides for secure cloud storage in a database that is not shared between clients.
Contact us for more information about the desktop version of the app, available now. The portable module will be completed in 2019.
The STOPECALC™ App can help you if:
- You want a tool that will help you produce robust reports of grade and tonnage–fast
- Easy import/export to interact with other mine packages and simple intuitive workflows are desired
- If you’re not sure that the calculations or software currently used to generate face and muck tons and grade are 100% correct
- Your data is not securely backed up off-site.
- Your program could benefit from using a tablet as a data collector.
- It is desirable to easily filter your data for reports and save the filters for later use or modification
- Money is tight, and a flexible licensing model that will let you add or drop users according to activity levels will help with the budget?
Contact Us About STOPECALC™!

About Donald Cameron
Publications & Talks
See all the publications and talks by Donald Cameron.

Cameron Resource Consulting, LLC
27357 S Highway 97
Harrison, ID 83833