Cameron, D. E., 2019, Some Concepts and Tools for Reporting Grade Control Results in Underground Mines, For presentation: Soc. Mining Eng. Ann. Mtg Abstract.
Esper, E. L. and Cameron, D. E., 2019, Re-opening of the La Coipa Mine, Chile, a Geometallurgical Approach, For presentation: Soc. Mining Engineers, Ann. Mtg. Abstract.
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Cameron, D. E., Klisch, M.K., and Strommer, J., 1992, Headframe exploration at the Cannon Gold Mine: meshing old methods with new technology: Soc. Mining Engineers Pre-Print #92-123.
Cameron, D. E. and Garmoe, W. J., 1987, Geology of skarn and high grade gold in the Carr Fork Mine, Utah: Econ. Geol., v. 82, pp. 1319-1333.
Cunningham, C. G., Naeser, C. W., Cameron, D. E., Barrett, L. F., Wilson, J. C., and Larson, P. B., 1987, The Pliocene paleothermal anomaly at Rico, Colorado, as related to a major molybdenum- deposit [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, p. 268-269.
Cameron, D. E., Barrett, L. F., and Wilson, J. C., 1986, Discovery of the Silver Creek Molybdenum Deposit, Rico, Colorado: Trans. S.M.E. ,v. 280, pp. 2099-2105.

Cameron Resource Consulting, LLC
27357 S Highway 97
Harrison, ID 83833